Wish List

We are always in need of items for our pets as well as administration supplies. We accept new and gently used items. Below is a list of items or shop our wish lists on Amazon or Chewy.



Dry and Canned Cat and Kitten Food
Dry or No Grains or No Corn Dog and Puppy Food
Canned or Powder Kitten Formula
Dog Treats and Biscuits


Wire Kennel Crates (Small, Med, Lg & Xlg)
Igloo Dog Houses (Med to Lg Breed)
Heated Blankets
Heated Dog Bowls
Kennel Bedding or Blankets
Milk Crates to build Sleeping Quarters for Multiple Cats


Cat Towers, Trees, and Tunnels
Any Cat Toy
Stuffed Animals for Dogs
Tug Toys

Other Animal Items

Gift Certificates/Card for Petco
Dog Collars (Lg and Xlg)
Enclosed Cargo Trailer – HHR Adoption
Drive Equipment
Sponsor the Purchase of Vaccines
Sponsor the Purchase of Parasite Medications
Medication for Fleas, Ear Mites, and Other Parasites
Cat Litter (Clump and Non-Clump)
Cat Litter Pans (Lg preferred)
Paper Towels

Administration Needs

Copy Paper
Storage Containers w/locking Lids (Lg)
Sponsor Printing Costs of Yearly Newsletter
Sponsor Printing Costs of Information Flyers
Sponsor Printing Costs of Business Cards